Socialization of information and fear of crime in university students: strategies at night-time economy at Paseo del Ángel, Culiacán, Sinaloa.




socialización de información, miedo al crimen, Paseo del Ángel, Culiacán.


Fear of crime is a problem born and transmitted in society, but built environments, play a fundamental role in shaping individuals’ perspectives and behaviors towards collective spaces. This fear is exacerbated in temporalities, considering the night and night entertainment with a greater possibility of being victimized. The document analyzes the consequences that the socialization of information regarding crime and fear of crime produce in the participation of university students in the nighttime economy of Paseo del Ángel in Culiacán, Sinaloa. The manuscript is based on a representative sample of 318 surveys applied in 2020 to students of the Faculty of International Studies and Public Policy of the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, which identify how university students react to the socialization of information regarding crime, the fear of being a victim of it and how this influences their participation in the nighttime economy. The results indicate that university students embrace behaviors that allow them to enjoy nightlife safely, identifying gender as a differentiating factor in the adoption of strategies that make it possible to live the night; It highlights that it is mainly women who embrace avoidance behaviors or strategies that allow them to feel protected during their nightlife. The study is restricted to a single faculty; however, it offers an overview of the alternatives for experiencing nighttime entertainment in a considerably unsafe Mexican city

Author Biographies

Miriam Nava Zazueta, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Dra. Miriam Nava Zazueta

Profesor Investigdor Tiempo Completo Titular C

Facultad de Estudios Internacionales y Políticas Públicas/UAS

Gustavo Adolfo García Zavala, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Licenciado en Estudios Internacionales


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