Chronos in Mexico. A dialogue about François Hartog’s work




Hartog, Chronos, Regimes of historicity, Time, History


This text offers the result of the dialogue, in the form of an interview, held with the French historian François Hartog in September 2022. The discussion is focused on Chronos, a book recently translated into Spanish, which closes the circle of his reflections on time while simultaneously opening up new routes. The interview is preceded by an introductory study in which both the career of this intellectual and some of the most relevant approaches in his work are briefly reviewed, and we trace the paths of their reception in Mexico.

Author Biographies

Jorge Omar Mora Rodríguez, Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas (DIE) del Centro dd Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV)

Maestro en historia por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Actualmente estudia el doctorado en Ciencias con especialidad en Investigación educativa (DIE-CINVESTAV-IPN) 

Gloria Maritza Gómez Revuelta, El Colegio de México / Universidad de Guadalajara

Historiadora por la Universidad de Guadalajara. Actualmente cursa el doctorado en el Colegio de México con una tesis sobre la historia cultural de la ciencia y la tecnología en el siglo XX latinoamericano


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