Utopia, messianism and millenarism in Tomóchic and Canudos





Tomóchic, Canudos, millenarism, messianisms, rebellion


In this paper, I propose a historiographical review of some approaches and perspectives on the events that took place in Tomóchic, Chihuahua (Mexico), and Canudos, Bahia (Brazil), at the end of the 19th century. These are two historical events in which government forces massacred these communities based on religious reasons and social nonconformities. Through various writings and studies on the subject, the following discussions have revolved around their utopian, messianic, and millenarian traits. On the ground of a comparative historiographic point of view, I display some elements of these discussions looking to analyze and reflect on them from certain concepts and positions, in relation to contemporary concerns about memory and social relations with time and temporalities, as well as to focus on the conflicts from the political ontologies.

Author Biography

Rogelio Everth Ruiz Ríos, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías nivel I.

Temas de investigación: tendencias historiográficas recientes, tensiones entre historia y memoria, predicamentos historiográficos en el Antropoceno, procesos de colonización y de ocupación en Baja California.


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