Unconventional-multifunctional theater as a strategy for social research with the population confined in penitentiary centers





Prisons, Unconventional-multifunctional theater, Lateral-reflexive-collaborative-creative ethnography


The objective of this work is to account for the strategies and challenges of doing social research in prisons. In that same situation, it also seeks to reflect on the giving and receiving during the investigative process in these spaces of confinement. From an anthropological approach, and assuming that the research is a performance, it proposes reflective, lateral, collaborative, and creative ethnography in conjunction with unconventional and multifunctional theater are useful tools in prisons not only to face the challenges of this type of space but also to generate benefits in multiple ways. In short, these methodologies applications allow us to rethink what we give and receive in these contexts and research in general.

Author Biography

María Concepción Rodríguez Ceja, El Colegio de Michoacán

Doctoranda y Maestra en Ciencias Sociales por El Colegio de Michoacán, en el área de Estudios Rurales. Licenciada en Gobernabilidad y Nueva Ciudadanía por la Universidad de La Ciénega del Estado de Michoacán.


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