Beyond the Agrarian Revolt. Paul Friedrich’s anthropohistorical and poetic imprint in P’urhépecha lands
anthropohistory, ethnopoetics, Tarascans, P’urhépecha, cacicazgoAbstract
The objective of this text is to dust off the “anthropohistorical”, linguistic and poetic legacy of Paul Friedrich, and reevaluate his multidisciplinary theoretical-methodological proposals related to his studies of the Tarascans of Michoacán.References
Colección “Paul Friedrich Papers”, Special Collections, Universidad de Chicago. 49 cajas.
BIBLIOGRAFÍA SELECTA DE PAUL FRIEDRICH (incluye textos sobre Michoacán y otros que han sido reconocidos internacionalmente).
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_____. “A Tarascan Cacicazgo: Structure and Function”. En Systems of Political Control and Bureaucracy in Human Societies, ed. Verne F. Ray, Proceedings of the 1958 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society. Seattle: 1958.
_____. “Assumptions Underlying Tarascan Political Homicide”. Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes 25(4) (noviembre de 1962): 315-327.
_____. “A Mexican Cacicazgo”, Ethnology 4(2) (abril de 1965): 190-209.
_____. “El parentesco y la política en una aldea mexicana”. En Memorias del XXXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas. Sevilla: 1966.
_____. “Revolutionary Politics and Communal Ritual”. En Political Anthropology, ed. Marc J. Swartz, Victor W. Turner y Arthur Tuden, 191-220. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1966.
_____. “Metaphor-like Relations Between Referential Subsets”. Lingua (1) (1969): 1-10; y en Paul Friedrich. Language, Context, and the Imagination, 391-401.
_____. Agrarian Revolt in a Mexican Village. Chicago: Prentice-Hall, University of Chicago Press, 1970. Traducido al español como Paul Friedrich, Revuelta agraria en una aldea mexicana. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1982.
_____. The Tarascan Suffixes of Locative Space: Meaning and Morphotactics. Language Research Monography núm. 9. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, 1971.
_____. “Dialectical Variation in Tarascan Phonology”. International Journal of American Linguistics 37(3) (julio de 1971): 164-187; y en Paul Friedrich, Language, Context, and the Imagination, 299-339.
_____. “Shape Categories in Grammar”. Linguistics: An International Review (77) (1972): 5-22; y en Paul Friedrich. Language, Context, and the Imagination, 340-359.
_____. A Phonology of Tarascan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973.
_____. The Meaning of Aphrodite. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978.
_____. Language, Context, and the Imagination. Ensayos. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1979, 299-339.
_____. “Prolegomena to Tarascan”. Paul Friedrich Papers. Special Collections. Universidad de Chicago, caja 4, folder 10, 1980, 53 páginas.
_____. The Language Parallax. Linguistic Relativism and Poetic Indeterminacy. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.
_____. “The Master Trope. The Poetic Polarity: Music”, Dialectical Anthropology (11) (1986): 325-328.
_____. “Multiplicity and Pluralism in Anthropological Construction/Synthesis”, Anthropological Quaterly 61(3) (1988): 103-112.
_____. The Princes of Naranja. An Essay in Anthrohistorical Method. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1987. Traducido al español como Los Príncipes de Naranja. Un ensayo de método antropohistórico. México: Grijalbo, 1991.
_____. “El Tao del Lenguaje”. En Fundamentos de Antropología. Granada: Diputación Provincial de Granada, Centro de Investigaciones Etnológicas Ángel Ganivet, 1994, 64-81.
_____. Music in Russia Poetry. Nueva York: Peter Lang, 1998.
_____. “Return to Yale or Toward an Essay on Analogy”, charla presentada en la Universidad de Yale, 2007. Texto inédito facilitado por el profesor Friedrich a la autora.
_____. The Gita within Walden. Albany: SUNY Press, 2008.
_____. The Goldfinch Instant, Concord to India Haikus. VAC Press, 2010.
_____. “Two long walks and two short nights”. En Writing in the Field. Festschrift for Stephen Tyler, ed. Strecker Ivo y Shauna LaTosky, 3-5. Berlín: Lit Verlag, 2013.
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TYLER, Stephen A. “The Poetic Turn in Anthropology: The Poetry of Paul Friedrich”. American Anthropologist 86(2) (junio de 1984): 332.
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