Commitment or Knowledge?


  • Marcos Estrada Saavedra El Colegio de México



science, politics, ethics


The focus of this essay is the complex and ambiguous issue of the relations between ethical and political commitment and the generation of knowledge in the Social Sciences, in response to the question of whether there exists an ethics that social scientists should adopt in their research. I suggest that science and politics are two spheres of human activity with distinct logics and goals. Hence, scientific knowledge must be evaluated, theoretically, methodologically and scientifically, in terms of its production of knowledge. Any other goal beyond this must be considered secondary, though not irrelevant. Politics, in contrast, is concerned with co-existence in a shared, plural world, and is only possible in terms of the generation of power. A scientist who acts politically is just one more citizen in the public space, and her/his interventions there must be judged by the criteria of the political world.

Author Biography

Marcos Estrada Saavedra, El Colegio de México

Realizó estudios de doctorado en ciencia política en la universidad de Hamburgo, Alemania. Actualmente es profesor e investigador de El Colegio de México, en donde dirige también la revista Estudios Sociológicos. Entre sus últimas publicaciones destacan: La comunidad armada rebelde y el ezln (2007), Los indígenas de Chiapas y la rebelión zapatista (2010, coordinador junto con Juan Pedro Viqueira), Protesta social, coord., 2012, y Recuperando la palabra. La Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (2013, coordinador junto con Silvia Bolos).


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