Goethe and his contribution to atmospheric science. Scientific and institutional context





Goethe, Romanticism, Meteorology, Observation, Meteorological elements, Atmospheric circulation


The transition from the 18th to the 19th century saw significant contributions to the advancement of weather and climate sciences. Proposed interpretations of nature showed the influence of the philosophical ideas of the time. Authors such as Kant, Laplace, and Humboldt developed their theories on nature, which evolved the concepts of environmentalism of the time. In this context, Goethe published different writings on the importance of nature and its constituent elements, including the atmosphere, which merited the writing of a treatise on meteorology with novel ideas on atmospheric dynamics.
With an exquisite education, Goethe developed his work in a cultural and scientific context -Weimar- propitious to promoting the arts and sciences. He participated in the activities of the Jena Circle and played an active role in the political life of the time. Goethe's contributions to the theory of nature and the understanding of atmospheric issues established a necessary intellectual link between Kantian idealism and the scientific empiricism practiced by Humboldt in the first decades of the 19th century. This work analyses the cultural and social context in which Goethe's ideas on nature developed and, in particular, on atmospheric aspects whose study and interpretation marked the life of the German polymath.

Author Biography

Jorge Olcina Cantos, Universidad de Alicante

Jorge Olcina Cantos, Catedrático de Análisis Geográfico Regional en la Universidad de Alicante. Miembro del grupo de investigación competitivo en “Historia y Clima” de la Universidad de Alicante.


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