Voices and texts that name María Bertely





Critical pedagogy, Intercultural education, Teaching methods, Educational models, Educational networks


The article presented here is based on some reflections on the first findings and the methodology followed in the research that I began in 2021 on the life and work of Dr. María Bertely, which is titled: “María Bertely Academic Activism: contributions and tensions in Educational research. The analysis of her intellectual work and pedagogical practice constitutes the object of study that guides this qualitative research and has a narrative biographical approach. This study has made it possible to identify her main contributions by exploring relevant aspects of her interdisciplinary training and academic career. Something that must be highlighted is that most of her contributions focused on collaborative educational research committed to Indigenous peoples.
The reconstruction and recognition of the work of this great researcher as an academic activist has been carried out through the collection of verbal, observational, and textual data, which, given its great extension, are currently in the process of artisanal analysis. However, preliminary results show the links Dr. Bertely created in various teaching and educational research spaces, which refer to some significant experiences and the main shared learnings. This exploration and inquiry have been possible thanks to the voices of indigenous educators and Mexican academics, and those of other nations, with whom she shared efforts in the multiple projects she coordinated, who have been configured as nodes of the networks she wove. These voices are the ones that are currently naming María.

Author Biography

Aurora Badillo Ochoa, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesora de Educación Preescolar, Maestra en Educación por la UPN, Doctoranda en Pedagogía en la UNAM. Diseño, seguimiento y evaluación de propuestas pedagógicas alternativas.


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