About the Journal

Relaciones. Estudios de historia y sociedad is a journal of history, social sciences and humanities that publishes original, unpublished papers and peer-reviewed, either in the form of articles, essays or presentation of documents in addition to book reviews. Focusing on the Mexican reality and its Latin American ties, encourages multidisciplinary dialogue and interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives that allow a better understanding of the past and present of our realities without undermining other global connections. The journal is aimed at an international academic audience of specialists interested in social, human sciences and related disciplines.


Convocatoria de número temático "Fronteras: migración, corporalidad y trabajo en la relación México-Estados Unidos, siglos XX-XXI"


Convocatoria de número temático "Fronteras: migración, corporalidad y trabajo en la relación México-Estados Unidos, siglos XX-XXI"

Editoras del número:

Dra. Irina Córdoba Ramírez (IIH-UNAM / irina.cordoba@unam.mx)

Dra. Melissa Villa-Nicholas (University of California, LA)


Read more about Convocatoria de número temático "Fronteras: migración, corporalidad y trabajo en la relación México-Estados Unidos, siglos XX-XXI"

Current Issue

Vol. 46 No. 181 (2025): (Primavera) Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una mirada desde los actores
					View Vol. 46 No. 181 (2025): (Primavera) Ocupación, posesión y administración de la tierra en los mundos ibéricos: una mirada desde los actores

Créditos de portada: Mapa de Cempoala, siglo XVI (fragmento). Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin. Dominio Público


Published: 2024-12-17

Sección temática

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Relaciones Estudios de historia y sociedad is published quarterly (winter, spring, summer, autumn) by El Colegio de Michoacán, A.C. (CPI-CONACYT), founded in 1980 by Luis González y González. The printed version consists of 750 copies plus offprints (ISSN 0185-3929). The open-access electronic version (ISSN 2448-7554-e) is published on OJS. All the journal’s past and contemporary content is also available to interested readers at our historical digital repository. Relaciones normally publishes studies in Spanish, but accepts texts in Portuguese, French and English with the option to elaborate translations or publish them in the original language. The journal is publicly-funded by the Mexican government through project “E003. Scientific investment, development and innovation”, included in the annual Budget of El Colegio de Michoacán. It is designed specifically to disseminate and diffuse scientific knowledge.